Use of Dolutegravir in Hiv Treatment

Emerson Barbosa da Silva, Carolina Silva Matheus,Camila dos Santos Chagas, Daniela Rodrigues Pereira,Anita de Carvalho Garcias

Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology Research(2022)

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The present work deals with the theme of the use of the retroviral Dolutegravir in the fight against the HIV virus, aiming to present the pharmacological aspects of the drug. The thematic focus was guided by two major interconnected questions: a) how has the evolution of the disease occurred in Brazil and which policies have been adopted in the fight against HIV/AIDS; b) how is Dolutegravir being used to face this epidemic? The methodological procedures adopted were the research of some normative documents and materials considered of reference in the area. As a result, it was evidenced that because it is a drug that had its use approved in August/2013 by the FDA in the USA and by the European Commission in January/2014, Dolutegravir presents itself as a new efficient pharmacological option for the treatment/coping of HIV/AIDS in the country, incorporated in 2017 to the ministry of health to minimize infection in patients with cross-resistance to other drugs used.
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