
A Review on Issues and challenges for Protection against DDoS Attacks using Software-Defined Networks approach

2021 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Green Engineering (CCGE)(2021)

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DDoS attacks are noticed from last many years but due to growing figure of such attacks in present time increases the awareness of them. Many researchers proposed useful detection and mitigation methods for such DDoS attacks. DDoS attack is somewhat simple to perform, hard to safeguard against, and the aggressor is once in a while followed back. The assailant dispatches a DDoS assault utilizing a botnet to produce immense measure of traffic against a casualty's web worker. The casualty might be a business association, government, or basic framework. The wellspring of the attack can be any gadget associated with the web. During the last one and half year of covid-19 pandemic, the exponential growth of about 542% for such attacks is noticed. As all the organizations started working online, the security solutions that provide a safe and secure online working environment are required more. Software-Defined Networks solution is the better option for such requirements. It is a stage towards the foundation of a dynamic and unified nature of the organization. In this paper, we have reviewed that challenges and solutions for SDN networks. The study reveals important detection and mit-igation methods and strategies against DDoS attacks.
Cloud Computing,DDoS,SDN,attacks,mitigation methods,botnets
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