Kubeedge Wireless for Integrated Communication and Computing Services Everywhere

IEEE Wireless Communications(2022)

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The fifth generation (5G) communication network has been developed rapidly in the past few years, which provides substantial bandwidth capacities and higher quality of service (QoS). 5G technology commercialization includes mobile edge computing and communication technologies. The increasing deployment of mobile edge computing empowered 5G infrastructures facilitates further intelligent data processing in smart city scenarios. The future innovative city applications require the seamless integration of mobile edge computing and communication. This article gives a comprehensive vision of the next generation communication networks integrated with distributed computing in both academia and industry. We propose the network for AI (NET4AI) and edge-mesh computing architectures, enabling cloud-native capabilities to be expanded to the communication network to realize integrated communication and computing services. Notably, a flexible KubeEdge Wireless (KEW) platform is inspired and discussed for dynamic services, such as service migration, shedding light for academia and industry.
mobile edge computing,generation communication networks,distributed computing,edge-mesh computing architectures,integrated communication,computing services,flexible KubeEdge Wireless platform,fifth generation communication network,substantial bandwidth capacities,5G technology commercialization,communication technologies,facilitates further intelligent data processing,future innovative city applications,seamless integration
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