
Encryption, Decryption, and Control with Fractional Quantum Bits, Quantum Chiral States and Pyramidal Quantum Bits Switching in Graphene

AIP advances(2022)

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A novel method for encryption, decryption, and control of data using the theory of “rings and fields” is proposed. A system comprising a ring or loop with a maximum of six vector tuples or sub-loops, which are changed into knots on a ring, is suggested, whereby these vector tuples at 0.4 ≤ nf ≤ 0.9 hold Dirac bosons. The Dirac bosons are precessed at characteristic frequencies and are integrated with a braid; the remaining fractional quantum bits (f-qubits) are occupied with Dirac fermions with the same braid, i.e., 0.1 ≤ nf ≤ 0.3. The fractional Fourier transform is used for modeling and simulating the eigenfunctions for stretching, twisting, and twigging. The fractional charges are quantized and invariant at knots, where subquanta—Dirac bosons—are held on the honeycomb lattice of graphene. The degeneracy of f-qubits is permanently established. The characteristic magnetic excitations due to different precessing frequencies of Dirac bosons are exploited for encryption and decryption. The spinning and precessing Dirac fermions are used for pyramidal switching. Addresses for f-qubits are evaluated by normalizing the Hamiltonian operator, which becomes Hermitian. The topological transitions for a quantized non-interacting electron as above are exploited. A method for encryption, decryption, and control of quantum information with seventy-two (72) “quantum chiral states” is suggested with graphene. The chiral matrix of nfxg2/ℏc, where 0.1 ≤ nf ≤ 0.9 and 0.02 ≤ g2/ℏc ≤ 0.08, is the most suitable option for f-qubits as compared to qubits especially when conformal mapping for quantum computation is accomplished.
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