
Discrete Element Modeling of Aeolian-like Morphologies on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko


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Context. Even after the Rosetta mission, some of the mechanical parameters of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's surface material are still not well constrained. They are needed to improve our understanding of cometary activity or for planning sample return procedures. Aims. We discuss the physical process dominating the formation of aeolian-like surface features in the form of moats and wind taillike bedforms around obstacles and investigate the mechanical and geometrical parameters involved. Methods. By applying the discrete element method (DEM) in a low-gravity environment, we numerically simulated the dynamics of the surface layer particles and the particle stream involved in the formation of aeolian-like morphological features. The material is composed of polydisperse spherical particles that consist of a mixture of dust and water ice, with interparticle forces given by the Hertz contact model, cohesion, friction, and rolling friction. We determined a working set of parameters that enables simulations to be reasonably realistic and investigated morphological changes when modifying these parameters. Results. The aeolian-like surface features are reasonably well reproduced using model materials with a tensile strength on the order of 0.1-1 Pa. Stronger materials and obstacles with round shapes impede the formation of a moat and a wind tail. The integrated dust flux required for the formation of moats and wind tails is on the order of 100 kg m(-2), which, based on the timescale of morphological changes inferred from Rosetta images, translates to a near-surface particle density on the order of 10(-6)-10(-4) kg m(-3). Conclusions. DEM modeling of the aeolian-like surface features reveals complex formation mechanisms that involve both deposition of ejected material and surface erosion. More numerical work and additional in situ measurements or sample return missions are needed to better investigate mechanical parameters of cometary surface material and to understand the mechanics of cometary activity.
comets: general,comets: individual: 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko,methods: numerical
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