Experimental investigation on the effect of roller traverse and rotation speeds on ceramic binder jetting additive manufacturing

Journal of Manufacturing Processes(2022)

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The objective of this experimental investigation is to identify the effect of roller traverse and rotation speeds on ceramic binder jetting additive manufacturing. Green and sintered densities were found decreasing with increasing roller traverse speed, and this decrease was more significant at a low roller rotation speed. A high roller traverse speed led to more cavities on the powder bed surface after spreading a new layer on a printed layer. Furthermore, a high roller traverse speed caused more cracks on the powder bed surface after jetting the binder. These defects observed during printing were inherited by the green and sintered parts, which were confirmed by X-ray computed tomography and scanning electron microscopy, respectively. Finally, the sintered flexural strength of the parts printed at a high roller traverse speed was more than 30% higher than that of the parts printed at a low roller traverse speed.
Binder jetting,Roller traverse speed,Roller rotation speed
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