
Techno-environ-economic-energy-exergy-matrices performance analysis of evacuated annulus tube with modified parabolic concentrator assisted single slope solar desalination system

Journal of Cleaner Production(2022)

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In the present study, a sophisticated novel design of solar desalination system with evacuated annulus tube collector augmented unique combination of modified compound parabolic concentrators has been analyzed and simulated with the help of the computational tool (MATLABR2015a) for Techno-Environ-Economic-Energy-Matrices observations under the specific meteorological conditions of New Delhi, India. The current approach emphasizes the utility of modified parabolic concentrator integrated evacuated tube that effectively improves the solar absorbing performance of the irradiated solar energy uniformly through its periphery, as well as enhancing the thermo siphons working loom appreciably than the conventional applications of vacuum tubes. The proposed system is being optimized to get the maximum possible basin water temperature as 99.5 °C for the larger water depth (0.16m) at the same orientation of still top cover and evacuated tubes (30°). The maximum circulation rate (thermo siphon) is achieved as 54.96 kg/h. The daily overall energy-exergy efficiencies are 50.8% and 3.8%, respectively. The daily yield (16.2 kg/day or 5.4 kg/m2 with respect to the solar energy collection area and its production cost (0.005 $/l) at a nominal selling price (0.07 $/l) found good. The energy-exergy based CO2 mitigates and environmental earned revenue are 131.97 tons, 67.44 tons, $1318.36, and $673.77, respectively. The establishment cost of the system is quite low at $214.92, and the system's productivity is found as 940.8%, which is more than 100% that depicts the system as appreciably feasible. The noticeable yield output at low production cost, environmental revenue credits, high mitigation, and low pay-off time makes the system compatibly sustainable and feasible with smaller and effective collector areas for the respective solar irradiations.
Modified compound parabolic concentrator,Potable water,Efficiency,Energy-exergy,Economic,Solar desalination
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