
Capybara responses to varying levels of predation risk

Animal Behaviour(2022)

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Predators can generate physiological and behavioural responses in prey individuals. Thus, carnivore reintroductions might cause profound changes in communities and ecosystems by modifying anti-predator responses. Combining observational and experimental approaches, we compared the short-and long-term antipredator responses of capybaras, Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, between a landscape with a high density of predators (Pantanal, Brazil) and a landscape where predators became extinct in the mid-20th century but where a jaguar reintroduction project was in progress (Ibera & DBLBOND;, Argentina). Generalized linear models were used to test whether the presence of natural predators affects capybara behavioural budgets, gregarious behaviour and the associated physiological stress responses and to test whether, in the short term, capybaras increase their vigilance levels after detecting the proximity of a simulated predator (a playback of jaguar, Panthera onca, calls). Capybaras in the Pantanal did not show higher levels of vigilance but they spent a greater proportion of time foraging than did capybaras in Ibera & DBLBOND;. Pantanal groups were smaller and foraged closer to water. The baseline levels of stress hormones tended to be higher in Ibera & DBLBOND;. In response to simulated stimuli, both populations responded to predator sound cues by increasing vigilance, but Ibera & DBLBOND; groups also increased vigilance in response to a control sound, suggesting that they did not recognize the predator stimulus as a greater risk than another stimulus. In areas with predators, capybaras may reduce predation risk by choosing safer areas, where they can spend more time foraging when predators are not nearby. Vigilance may be only a reactive response to cues of the predator's proximity. Understanding the capybara's antipredator responses may help predict the po-tential effects and the success of jaguar reintroduction in a region where the jaguar has been absent for over 80 years. (C) 2022 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
antipredator response,capybara,naïve prey,predation risk
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