
Terminal Heat Tolerance in Bread Wheat Determined by Agronomical Traits and SSR Markers

Journal of plant growth regulation(2022)

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Since global warming affects wheat cropping systems, more has yet to be indicated on the parameters, which control terminal heat tolerance, and severely influence wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) productivity. Identification of tolerant wheat genotypes by heat tolerance-linked molecular markers is a rapid and cost-effective screening tool in plant breeding. Accordingly, in a four-year field experiment (2015–2019), 44 wheat genotypes were selected out of 100 genotypes, and were examined in timely and late planting (mid-January resulting in heat stress). Stress decreased yield components, including 1000-kernel weight (TKW), grains per spike, and plants per square meter, and the physiological traits, including days to heading and days to maturity, grain filling duration, and greenness, and eventually decreased grain yield up to ~ 28%. The early maturity genotypes resulted in higher yields under stress conditions by a stress-avoidance mechanism. Among 14 SSR markers, GWM577 was positively correlated with yield, and WMS3062, GWM261, and WMS1025 had positive correlations with longevity under stress. Accordingly, WMS3062 and GWM261 can be used to determine high yield and early maturity genotypes. Furthermore, GWM114 showed a positive correlation with TKW, indicating their usefulness for grouping wheat genotypes and for identifying heat-related markers. Since the crossing of the genetically distant genotypes can create more diverse populations, the results could be applied to plan breeding projects to establish more diverse populations for different chromosomal locations and traits under heat stress conditions. Moreover, our findings demonstrated that the morphological and molecular analyses could be useful for describing wheat genetic variation of heat tolerance.
Early maturity genotypes,High-temperature stress,Late planting,Molecular markers
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