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Exploring the interaction between phase separation and turbulent fluid dynamics in multi-species supercritical jets using a tabulated real-fluid model

The Journal of Supercritical Fluids(2022)

Cited 7|Views3
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Today, injection of liquid fuels at supercritical pressures is a frequently used technique to improve the efficiency of energy systems and address environmental constraints. This paper focuses on the analysis of the coupling between the hydrodynamics and thermodynamics of multi-species supercritical jets. Various phase transition phenomena, such as droplet formation process by condensation, which have been shown experimentally to significantly affect the flow and mixing dynamics of the jet, are studied. For this purpose, a tabulated multicomponent real fluid model assuming vapor-liquid equilibrium is proposed for the simulation of turbulent n-hexane jets injected with different inflow temperatures (480 K, 560 K, 600 K) into supercritical nitrogen at 5 MPa and 293 K. Numerical results are compared with available experimental data but also with published numerical studies, showing a good agreement. In addition, comparisons between different turbulence models, including the LES Sigma, Smagorinsky and RANS K − ϵ models have been performed, showing the relevance of the LES Sigma model for these very complex two-phase flows.
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Key words
Real fluid model,Vapor-liquid equilibrium,Tabulation,Multicomponent,Large-eddy simulation,Condensation,Droplet formation process
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