
The Bazman and Taftan Volcanoes of Southern Iran: Implications for Along-Arc Geochemical Variation and Magma Storage Conditions above the Makran Low-Angle Subduction Zone

Journal of Asian earth sciences(2022)

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Bazman and Taftan are two Late Miocene-Quaternary volcanoes of the Makran continental arc formed by the subduction of Arabian oceanic lithosphere beneath southern Eurasia. This study compares their bulk rock compositions as well as major and trace element contents of major mineral phases. Bazman is composed of a geochemically heterogeneous suite of low to medium-K basic to acidic compositions, while Taftan exposes more homogenous mainly andesitic rocks of medium to high-K affinity. Both volcanoes are characterized by the enrichment of LILE compared to HFSE and depletion of Nb, Ta, and Ti, reminiscent of subduction zone magmatism. At a given SiO2 content, the Taftan volcanics have higher concentrations of incompatible elements and, La/Yb, Th/Yb, and Sr/Y ratios (adakitic signature), here interpreted as being related to the more enriched mantle source, higher contribution of subducted sediments in magma genesis and thicker continental crust beneath Taftan. Thermobarometric calculations based on mineral chemistry (amphibole, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase) indicate pre-eruptive T = ~1050-800 degrees C, P = 250-100 MPa and H2Omelt > 3.5 wt%. Bazman lavas record slightly lower P and T, and higher H2Omelt, suggesting a shallower magma reservoir and thus a more developed magma plumbing system. Trace element abundances in minerals show consistent distinctions between the two volcanoes, e.g., amphibole is REE-enriched in Taftan over Bazman samples. The features of trace element compositions and zoning patterns of minerals (amphibole, plagioclase and, pyroxene) along with available major element data are suggestive of both recharged magmatic systems and convective self-mixing magma chambers.
Geochemistry,Thermobarometry,Taftan,Bazman,Makran arc,Iran
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