Small-Size Cherenkov Telescope with an SiPM-Based Camera: Full-Particle Modeling of the Cosmic γ-Ray Source Detection Threshold

E. E. Kholupenko,D. V. Badmaev,A. S. Antonov, A. A. Bogdanov,A. M. Krassilchtchikov, D. O. Kuleshov, Yu. V. Tuboltsev, E. M. Khilkevich, Yu. V. Chichagov

Technical Physics(2022)

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Full-particle massive modeling of physical processes in the Earth’s atmosphere leading to generation of Cherenkov radiation in γ-ray- and proton-induced extensive air showers (EASs), as well as Monte Carlo modeling of photon transport in small-size Cherenkov telescope and signal registration with a camera based on OnSemi MicroFJ type semiconductor photomultiplier (SiPM) detectors have been performed. Calculations have been carried out for primaries with energies in the 0.3–30 TeV range and a Cherenkov telescope with an ≃10 m 2 mirror similar to that employed at the TAIGA observatory. It is shown that, even with strict selection criteria ensuring high-quality EAS images, the threshold detection energy of the SiPM-based camera would not exceed 0.8 TeV, which is about twice as low as the detection threshold (≃1.5 TeV) of a small-size TAIGA-IACT telescope camera based on vacuum photomultipliers.
extensive air showers,γ-hadron separation,γ-hadron selection,Cherenkov γ telescope,observations in the near-UV band
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