Research on Repetition Counting Method Based on Complex Action Label String


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Smart factories have real-time demands for the statistics of productivity to meet the needs of quick reaction capabilities. To solve this problem, a counting method based on our decomposition strategy of actions was proposed for complex actions. Our method needs to decompose complex actions into several essential actions and define a label string for each complex action according to the sequence of the essential actions. While counting, we firstly employ an online action recognition algorithm to transform video frames into label numbers, which will be stored in a result queue. Then, the label strings are searched for their results in queue. If the search succeeds, a complex action will be considered to have occurred. Meanwhile, the corresponding counter should be updated to accomplish counting. The comparison test results in a video dataset of workers' repetitive movements in package printing production lines and illustrate that our method has a lower counting errors, MAE (mean absolute error) less than 5% as well as an OBOA (off-by-one accuracy) more than 90%. Moreover, to enhance the adaptability of the action recognition model to deal with the change of action duration, we propose an adaptive parameter module based on the Kalman filter, which improves counting performances to a certain extent. The conclusions are that our method can achieve high counting performance, and the adaptive parameter module can further improve performances.
action counting, action decomposition, complex action label string, template matching, Kalman filtering
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