Substantiable bioconversion of the aromatic plant extracts biomass as feed additives in broiler performance: effects and prefeasibility comparison of thyme ( Thymus vulgaris )

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery(2024)

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Thyme ( Thymus vulgaris ) is plant that contains 0.8 to 2.6% of essential oils, comprised primarily of phenols, monoterpene hydrocarbons, and alcohols. The major phenolic components in thyme are thymol and carvacrol. Thyme oil has antispasmodic, antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic, antidermatotic, antioxidant, and natural preservative properties. Due to those properties and its potential to increase the feed intake, there are novel research with animals to use it instead of antibiotics. This article reviews studies on the effects of adding thyme to bird’s diets. Feed intake increased over 1 to 42 days when it was added 1% powdery mildew. In addition, the use of 0.075 and 1.0% thyme extract significantly reduced the population of Escherichia coli in the ileum of broilers compared with the control treatment but the population of Lactobacillus ileum was not affected. Application of 500–1000 mg of thyme extract reduced the ratio of heterophils to lymphocytes in broilers compared with the control group. According to the present review, thyme can improve growth performance, feed conversion ratio, immune system, and have positive effects on intestinal health in broilers.
Medicinal plant,Thyme,Broiler,Growth,Immunity,Haematology,Breast meat
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