
Effect of Convalescent Plasma Therapy on Mortality in Moderate-to-severely Ill COVID-19 Patients.

Transfusion and apheresis science(2022)

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INTRODUCTION:The role of plasma therapy in the management of the COVID-19, pandemic has been speculated. However, in view of the varied response regarding its effectiveness from various multicenter studies, there is a need to conduct more single center population-specific studies. We, thus, aimed to assess the role of convalescent plasma therapy in COVID-19 patient management in a single -center.METHODS:This retrospective study was conducted using records of all COVID-19 patients who received plasma therapy over a period of 6 months in a dedicated COVID-19 hospital in Delhi. Information pertaining to transfusion, disease severity, associated comorbidities, the treatment given and patient outcome were recorded. Data was analyzed using SPSSv23.RESULTS:Of the141 patients who received plasma therapy, 62% were discharged after treatment. Mortality was found to be significantly higher in patients > 60 years of age (p < 0.001), those with severe COVID-19 infection (p < 0.05) and pre-existing renal disease (p < 0.05). The admission-transfusion interval was significantly correlated to mortality and was a sensitive parameter for predicting outcome at cut off value of < 5 days (p < 0.001). There was no significant association of mortality with patient blood group, plasma antibody levels or donor hemoglobin levels.CONCLUSIONS:We report improvement and recovery in a large number of patients who received convalescent plasma within the first 5 days of hospitalization with moderate to severe disease. Further research to compare dosage and administration protocols to delineate role of CCP in survival of COVID-19 patients is needed before it is prematurely shelved.
Convalescent plasma therapy,COVID-19,SARS Cov-2,Passive immunization,Mortality
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