Witi Karwiti, Asrori Asrori,Ardiya Garini, Bayu Meilanda Akbar

Jambura Journal of Health Sciences and Research(2022)

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Abstrak Penyakit diabetes mellitus merupakan penyakit degeneratif yang disebabkan oleh kadar glukosa darah puasa yang melebihi 110 mg/dl. Jika konsentrasi glukosa darah melebihi 160 sampai 180 mg/dl, maka glukosa akan keluar bersama urin. Keadaan ini disebut dengan glukosuria. Glukosuria memicu infeksi Candida albicans dan dapat menimbulkan abses ginjal, abses perirenal, infeksi hepar, meningitis, dan lain-lain. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberadaan Candida albicans pada urin penderita diabetes mellitus di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Palembang. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Metode pemeriksaan glukosuria dengan carik celup, sedangkan pemeriksaan jamur Candida albicans menggunakan metode Germ-tube test. Besar sampel adalah 45 penderita diabetes mellitus yang diambil dengan teknik purposive samplimg.Hasil penelitian didapatkan dari 45 penderita diabetes mellitus, sebanyak 9 (20%) positif Candida albicans dan 36 (80%) negatif Candida albicans. Berdasarkan umur, dari 29 penderita diabetes mellitus berumur 60 tahun, didapatkan 3 (10,3%) positif Candida albicans. Berdasarkan jenis kelamin, dari 24 penderita diabetes mellitus berjenis kelamin perempuan, didapatkan 7 (29,2%) penderita positif Candida albicans. Hasil pemeriksaan glukosuria positif, dari 13 penderita, sebanyak 4 (30,8%) penderita positif Candida albicans. Penderita dengan penyakit tidak terkontrol, dari 22 penderita sebanyak 3 (13,6%) penderita positif Candida albicans. Hasil uji statistik menggunakan Chi-square didapatkan, ada hubungan yang signifikan antara umur dengan keberadaan jamur Candida albicans pada urin penderita diabetes mellitus (pValue=0,050). Sedangkan untuk variabel jenis kelamin (pValue=0,143), pemeriksaan glucosuria (pValue=0,411) dan pengontrolan penyakit (pValue=0,459) tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan (pValue0,05). Dengan demikian, disarankan penderita diabetes mellitus untuk selalu mengontrolkan penyakitnya agar mencegah infeksi Candida albicans. Kata kunci: Candida albicans, Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus, Germ-tube test, Urin Abstract Diabetes mellitus is a degenerative disease caused by blood sugar level is more than 110 mg/dl. If blood sugar level is more than 160 until 180 mg/dl, glucose will be excreted in urine. This situation called glucosuria. Glucosuria triggers Candida albicans infection and causes kidney abscess, perirenal abscess, hepar infection, meningitis, etc. The purpose of this study was to know the presence of Candida albicans in urine of diabetes mellitus patients at Bhayangkara Hospital Palembang. The type of this study was descriptive with cross-sectional approach. The technique of glucosuria test was dip stick, while the method of Candida albicans is Germ-tube test. The sampel size was 45 diabetes mellitus patients collected by purposive sampling technique. The research result showed from 45 diabetes mellitus patients, there were 9 (20%) diabetes mellitus patients positive Candida albicans and 36 (80%) negative Candida albicans. Based on age, from 29 diabetes mellitus in patients aged 60 years, there were 3 (10,3%) positive Candida albicans. Based on sex, from 24 women diabetes mellitus patients, there were 7 (29,2%) positive Candida albicans. Based on glucosuria test, from 13 diabetes mellitus patients positive glucosuria, there were 4 (30,8%) positive Candida albicans. Based on disease control, from 22 diabetes mellitus patients with uncontrolled disease, there were 3 (13,6%) positive Candida albicans. The results of statistical tests using Chi-square were obtained, there was a significant relationship between age and the presence of the fungus Candida albicans in the urine of patients with diabetes mellitus (pValue = 0.050). Meanwhile, for the variables of sex (pValue=0,143), glucosuria examination (pValue=0,411) and disease control (pValue=0,459) there was no significant relationship (pValue 0.05). Therefore, it is hoped that diabetes mellitus patients to always control the disease to prevent Candida albicans infection.
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