Comparison of the Angiogenic Ability between SHED and DPSC in a Mice Model with Critical Limb Ischemic

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine(2022)

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Background : Regenerative medicine by using stem cells from dental pulp is promising for treating patients with critical limb ischemic (CLI). Here, we investigated the difference in the angiogenetic ability of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) and human dental pulp stem cells (DPSC). Methods : SHED and DPSC were harvested from dental pulp and analyzed in flow- cytometry for detecting the expression of surface markers. Levels of angiogenetic marker were examined by RT-PCR and Western-blot. Eighteen immunodeficient mice of critical limb ischemic model were divided into three groups: SHED, DPSC and saline, which was administered with SHED, DPSC or saline intramuscularly. Histological examination was performed to detect the regenerative results. Results : A highly expression of CD146 was detected in SHED. Moreover, cells with negative expression of both CD146 and CD31 in SHED were more in comparison with those in DPSC. Expression of angiogenesis factors including CXCL12, CXCR4, Hif-1a, CD31, VEGF and bFGF were significant higher in SHED than DPSC by the RT-PCR and Western-Blot results. SHED induced more CD31 expression and less fibrous tissue formation in the critical limb ischemic model as compare with DPSC and saline. Conclusion : Both SHED and DPSC possessed the ability of repairing CLI. With expressing more proangiogenesis factors, SHED may have the advantage of repairing CLI.
Dental pulp stem cell,Angiogenesis,Critical limb ischemic
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