
A Study of Cross-Session Cross-Device Search Within an Academic Digital Library

SIGIR '22: Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval(2022)

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Information seeking in an academic digital library is complex in nature, often spanning multiple search sessions. Resuming academic search tasks requires significant cognitive effort as searchers must reacquaint themselves with previous search session activities and previously discovered documents before resuming their search. Further, some academic searchers may find it convenient to initiate such searches on their mobile devices during short gaps in time (e.g., between classes), and resume them later in a desktop environment when they can use the extra screen space and more convenient document storage capabilities of their computers. To support such searching, we have developed an academic digital library search interface that assists searchers in managing cross-session search tasks even when moving between mobile and desktop environments. Using a controlled laboratory study we compared our approach (Dilex) to a standard academic digital library search interface. We found increased user engagement in both the initial (mobile) and resumed (desktop) search activities, and that participants spent more time on the search results pages and had an increased degree of interaction with information and personalization features during the resumed tasks. These results provide evidence that the participants were able to make effective use of the visualization features in Dilex, which enabled them to readily resume their search tasks and stay engaged in the search activities. This work represents an example of how semi-automatic search task/session management and visualization features can support cross-session search, and how designing for both mobile and desktop use can support cross-device search.
Digital library search,mobile search interfaces,cross-session search,cross-device search,user study
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