
Fault Diagnosis of Power Transmission Line based on Elgamal Encryption Algorithm

2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronic Technology, Communication and Information (ICETCI)(2022)

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With the rapid development of the science and technology industry, the demand for electricity in all walks of life is increasing, and electricity has gradually become a mainstream energy supplier. With the passage of time, the scale of power supply continues to expand, and the level of voltage continues to increase, and we are constantly improving the reliability requirements of the power supply. They are the most fundamental way of operation between power stations, substations and power customers, that is, high-voltage transmission lines. Improving the safe and healthy operating status of high-voltage transmission lines is crucial to achieving the normal operation of the entire power system. In order to ensure high reliability and strong power supply safety, maintenance and fault identification of high-voltage transmission lines are particularly necessary. This article mainly focuses on the diagnosis of power transmission line faults based on the elgamal encryption algorithm. First, we use the literature research method to analyze the faults of the power transmission line and the fault analysis method in the transmission line, and then conduct the fault analysis experiment in the power transmission line. Through this experimental study, the influence of the elgamal encryption algorithm on the fault analysis and diagnosis in the transmission line is obtained. The experimental results show that after using the Elgamal encryption algorithm to encrypt and transmit the fault data, the accuracy of the fault analysis results has been improved, and most of the accuracy rates are above 90%.
Elgamal Encryption Algorithm,Power Transmission Line,Fault Diagnosis,Transmission Line Fault
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