Rhinitis in Japanese students - associations with window pane condensation, recent indoor painting, wooden home and dog allergen at school.

International journal of environmental health research(2022)

引用 3|浏览2
We studied risk factors for rhinitis in Japanese homes and schools. A questionnaire was sent to students in four schools (12-15 y age), 1048 (99.2%) participated. Crowdedness and furry pet allergens were measured in their classrooms. Household environment data was collected by a questionnaire. Risk factors were identified by multi-level logistic regression with mutual adjustment. The prevalence of current rhinitis was 60.3%, current rhinoconjunctivitis 24.4% and weekly rhinitis 29.5%. Window condensation (AORs1.69-1.90) and indoor painting (AORs1.72-1.76) at home were associated with rhinitis. The association between painting and rhinitis was stronger in girls (interaction  = 0.002) and in wooden homes (interaction  = 0.05). Dog allergen (Can f 1) in classroom air was associated with rhinitis ( = 0.04). In conclusion, window pane condensation and indoor painting can be household risk factors for rhinitis and dog allergen may be a risk factor in Japanese schools. Girls can be more sensitive to emissions from indoor paint than boys.
Rhinitis,home environment,school environment
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