
Manipulation of Magnetic and Structure Properties of Ni2FeSi Glass-Coated Microwires by Annealing

Journal of alloys and compounds(2023)

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In the current work, we demonstrate that the magnetic and structural properties of Ni2FeSi glass-coated microwires are strongly dependent on annealing conditions. A noticeable change in the magnetic and structural properties has also been compared to as-prepared samples. Annealing conditions increase the crystalline phase content from 34% to 72% for annealing duration 1 h and 6 h, respectively. While as -prepared samples show square hysteresis loops for a wide range of measuring temperatures, annealed samples show inclined hysteresis loops shape. Additionally, a marked increase in coercive and magnetic anisotropy fields has been observed for annealed samples as compared to as-prepared ones at and below room temperature. Meanwhile, highly reduced magnetic remanence was measured in the as-prepared samples. Temperature dependence of the coercivity shows anomalous behavior for as-prepared and an-nealed samples as well. An increase in the magnetization of the metallic nuclei of Ni2FeSi glass-coated observed in annealed microwire has been attributed to the internal stresses relaxation caused by annealing. The anomalous magnetic behavior at low temperature is due to the coexistence of ordered and disordered phases induced by annealing conditions. The difference in magnetization behavior, remanence, and coer-civity values for Ni2FeSi glass-coated microwires samples indicates the influence of internal stresses created by the presence of the glass coating. These findings reveal the sensitivity of Heusler-based glass-coated microwires to temperature and annealing conditions, which will open the door to the design of spintronic devices and sensing applications. (c) 2023 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Heusler alloys,Glass -coated microwires,Magnetic properties,Annealing,X-ray diffraction
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