
Premortem Anticoagulation Timing and Dose in Donation after Circulatory Death: Multicentre Study of Associations with Graft Function.

Canadian journal of surgery(2022)

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BACKGROUND:In controlled donation after circulatory determination of death (DCD), it is common to administer premortem heparin to potential donors. This practice remains controversial because there is limited evidence for it and there is the possibility of inducing hemorrhage. To our knowledge, no previous studies have assessed the effects of heparin timing and dose on graft function.METHODS:We performed a multicentre cohort study of consecutive DCD donors and the recipients of their organs. Anticoagulation administration was considered early if given near the time of withdrawal of life-sustaining measures and late if delayed until the onset of donor hypoxemia (oxygen saturation < 70%) or hypotension (systolic blood pressure < 60 mm Hg or mean blood pressure < 50 mm Hg). The anticoagulation dose was considered high if it was 300 units/kg or greater.RESULTS:Donor anticoagulation data were available for 301 kidney, 75 liver and 46 lung recipients. Heparin was administered in 92% of cases and was most commonly withheld in donors with cerebrovascular causes of death (p = 0.01). Administration was late in 59% and the dose was low in 27%. Among kidney recipients, there were no significant differences in need for dialysis, glomerular filtration rate over the first year after transplantation or graft survival on the basis of whether or not the donor received heparin, the timing of heparin administration or the dose of heparin. Among liver recipients, alkaline phosphatase concentrations over the first year were significantly higher among recipients who received organs from donors to whom lower doses of heparin had been administered.CONCLUSION:Premortem heparin is widely used in DCD cases, but there is variability in timing and dose, which was not associated with kidney outcomes in this study. Donor anticoagulation may have a greater impact in preventing biliary complications following liver transplantation.
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