
Dissecting the Mechanism of the Nonheme Iron Endoperoxidase FtmOx1 Using Substrate Analogues

JACS Au(2022)

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FtmOx1 is a nonheme iron (NHFe) endoperoxidase, catalyzing three disparate reactions, endoperoxidation, alcohol dehydrogenation, and dealkylation, under in vitro conditions; the diversity complicates its mechanistic studies. In this study, we use two substrate analogues to simplify the FtmOx1-catalyzed reaction to either a dealkylation or an alcohol dehydrogenation reaction for structure-function relationship analysis to address two key FtmOx1 mechanistic questions: (1) Y224 flipping in the proposed COX-like model vs alpha-ketoglutarate (alpha KG) rotation proposed in the CarC-like mechanistic model and (2) the involvement of a Y224 radical (COX-like model) or a Y68 radical (CarC-like model) in FtmOx1-catalysis. When 13-oxo-fumitremorgin B (7) is used as the substrate, FtmOx1-catalysis changes from the endoperoxidation to a hydroxylation reaction and leads to dealkylation. In addition, consistent with the dealkylation side-reaction in the COX-like model prediction, the X-ray structure of the FtmOx1 center dot Co-II center dot alpha KG center dot 7 ternary complex reveals a flip of Y224 to an alternative conformation relative to the FtmOx1 center dot Fe-II center dot alpha KG binary complex. Verruculogen (2) was used as a second substrate analogue to study the alcohol dehydrogenation reaction to examine the involvement of the Y224 radical or Y68 radical in FtmOx1-catalysis, and again, the results from the verruculogen reaction are more consistent with the COX-like model.
FtmOx1,nonheme iron enzymes,endoperoxidation,hydroxylation,dehydrogenation,X-ray structure
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