
Anatomical and radiological approach to pterygoid implants in atrophic maxilla: A cross‐sectional study of 360 cone beam computed tomography examinations

R. Moreira‐Júnior, M. F. S. Jesus, R. Z. Araujo, R. Moreira, L. J. S. Fernandes, M. M. Curi

Oral Surgery(2022)

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Objective This retrospective study aimed to analyse the anatomical dimensions of the pterygomaxillary region, installation angulations of pterygoid implants and bone density in the pterygoid pillar region by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) examinations used in planning dental rehabilitation with implant‐supported prostheses in patients with atrophic jaws. Materials and Methods We analysed 360 CBCTs of patients with atrophic jaws using Xoran® software v.3.1.62 (Xoran Technologies). In addition, the angulation of virtual implants installed in the pterygomaxillary region was analysed in relation to the Frankfurt plan, as well as the length required for the installation of implants in this region. Results The implant length installed in the pterygoid pillar varied between 13 and 20 mm, with an average of 16.17 mm (SD 2.16 mm). The pterygoid implant angulation on the latero‐lateral axis (frontal view) averaged 78.71° (SD. 3.58°) and 73.50° (SD 3.49°) in the anteroposterior direction (sagittal view). Bone density was found to be significantly higher in the pterygoid pillar region compared the maxillary tuberosity region ( p < 0.05); the region of the tuberosity and pterygoid pillar had an average density value of 132.9 (SD 230.24) and 513.91 (SD 291.63) respectively. Conclusion According to the results of this study, a pterygoid implant with a minimum length of 13 mm should be used in the pterygomaxillary region to reach the pterygoid bone pillar.
atrophic maxilla,implants,computed tomography,cone beam
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