
Extreme Drought Exacerbates Plant Nitrogen‑phosphorus Imbalance in Nitrogen Enriched Grassland.

Science of the total environment(2022)

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The nitrogen‑phosphorus (N-P) imbalance induced by N enrichment has received increasing concerns, because N:P ratios play a critical role in driving many fundamental ecological processes. Given the simultaneous occurrence of different global change drivers, it is important to understand whether and how would such N-induced N-P imbalance would be mediated by other global change factors. We examined the interactive effects of N addition (10 g N m-2 yr-1) and extreme drought (-66 % rainfall during the growing season) on species- and community-level N:P ratios in both green and senesced leaves in a temperate grassland of northern China. Extreme drought did not alter soil available N:P ratio under ambient N conditions, but increased that under N enriched conditions. Further, extreme drought did not alter the community-level N:P in both green and senesced leaves under ambient N conditions but significantly enhanced that under N enriched conditions. The drought-induced species turnover made a significant positive contribution to the changes in the community-level N:P ratio under N enriched conditions, but not under ambient N conditions. Our results suggest that the N-induced ecosystem N-P imbalance would be exacerbated by extreme drought event, the frequency of which is predicted to increase across global drylands. Such N-P imbalance would have consequences on litter decomposition, nutrient cycling, and the structures of above- and below-ground food webs. Our findings highlighted the complexity in predicting ecosystem N-P imbalance given the interactions between different global change drivers.
Foliar N:P ratio,Species turnover,Senesced leaves,Community composition,N addition
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