
Radar Backscattering over Sea Surface Oil Emulsions: Simulation and Observation.

IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing(2022)

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Oils floating on the sea surface can be observed as “dark” patches on radar images since the backscattered signals from the contaminated area are reduced in two dominant ways. First, oil slicks could damp short gravity and capillary waves on the sea surface responsible for backscattering energy. Second, the oil-covered sea surface permittivity decreases significantly if the oil film is sufficiently thick or mixed with seawater, i.e., oil emulsion. In this article, the geometry of the oil-covered sea surface is accounted for by the damping of sea waves, which is described by the model of local balance (MLB) combined with the sea wave spectrum. The radar backscattering is predicted by the advanced integral equation method (AIEM) model. The reflection coefficients are calculated based on a layered-medium model to analyze the impact of oil thickness and emulsions on the radar scattering. Numerical simulations demonstrate that: 1) the sensitivity to oil thickness and water content of the oil spills increases when the radar frequency increases; 2) the backscattering signals exhibit a nonlinear behavior with respect to oil thickness; and 3) high wind speed can generally narrow the difference between the radar backscattering from the clean and oil-covered sea surface, while the incidence angle has little effect. Numerical simulations are then compared with the multifrequency synthetic aperture radar observations acquired during the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill accident and the 2011 Norwegian Clean Seas Association for Operating Companies (NOFO) oil-on-water exercise. Comparison results show that it is possible to estimate the oil thickness at reasonably good accuracy.
Oils,Sea surface,Surface waves,Backscatter,Surface roughness,Rough surfaces,Surface contamination,AIEM,model of local balance (MLB),oil emulsion,synthetic aperture radar (SAR),sea surface scattering
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