AB-FGSM: AdaBelief optimizer and FGSM-based approach to generate adversarial examples

Journal of Information Security and Applications(2022)

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Deep neural networks (DNNs) can be misclassified by adversarial examples, which are legitimate inputs integrated with imperceptible perturbations at the testing stage. Extensive research has made progress for white-box adversarial attacks to craft adversarial examples with a high success rate. However, these crafted examples have a low success rate in misleading black-box models with defensive mechanisms. To tackle this problem, we design an AdaBelief based iterative Fast Gradient Sign Method (AB-FGSM) to generalize adversarial examples. By integrating the AdaBelief optimizer into the iterative-FGSM (I-FGSM), the generalization of adversarial examples is boosted, considering that the AdaBelief method can find the transferable adversarial point in the ε ball around the legitimate input on different optimization surfaces. We carry out white-box and black-box attacks on various adversarially trained models and ensemble models to verify the effectiveness and transferability of the adversarial examples crafted by AB-FGSM. Our experimental results indicate that the proposed AB-FGSM can efficiently and effectively craft adversarial examples in the white-box setting compared with state-of-the-art attacks. In addition, the transfer rate of adversarial examples is 4% to 21% higher than that of state-of-the-art attacks in the black-box manner.
Adversarial Examples,Deep Learning,Generalization,Optimization,Security,Transferability
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