
Improved Guidance on Roughness and Crest Width in Overtopping of Rubble Mound Structures along EurOtop

Coastal engineering(2022)

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In this paper existing guidelines to predict wave overtopping on rubble mound breakwaters and coastal structures are modified and improved with respect to the influence of the roughness and crest width. Data from recently made model tests and existing data are combined to demonstrate the need for modifying these formulations in EurOtop. A new reduction factor gamma cw for the crest width is established and is an improvement of the method by Besley. The influence of the roughness of the slope normally include also an influence of the breaker parameter when it is larger than a certain limit (EurOtop suggest xi(m-1,0) > 5). The present study shows that the breaker parameter is not the ideal dimensionless parameter describing the influence of the wave period for breakwaters with steep slopes, as for such structures the front slope has much less influence on the overtopping than the wave steepness. Thus slope angle and wave steepness have been uncoupled to describe the influence of the armour roughness on wave overtopping. The improvement in the overtopping prediction compared to EurOtop is significant, specifically for the new data sets that have data outside the range of the calibration data used for influence of roughness in EurOtop. The proposed improved methods enlarge the range of applicability with respect to crest width and wave steepness.
Wave overtopping,Crest width,Wave steepness,Roughness factor
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