A Multi-Source Weighted Deep Transfer Network for Open-Set Fault Diagnosis of Rotary Machinery.

IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics(2023)

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In real industries, there often exist application scenarios where the target domain holds fault categories never observed in the source domain, which is an open-set domain adaptation (DA) diagnosis issue. Existing DA diagnosis methods under the assumption of sharing identical label space across domains fail to work. What is more, labeled samples can be collected from different sources, where multisource information fusion is rarely considered. To handle this issue, a multisource open-set DA diagnosis approach is developed. Specifically, multisource domain data of different operation conditions sharing partial classes are adopted to take advantage of fault information. Then, an open-set DA network is constructed to mitigate the domain gap across domains. Finally, a weighting learning strategy is introduced to adaptively weigh the importance on feature distribution alignment between known class and unknown class samples. Extensive experiments suggest that the proposed approach can substantially boost the performance of open-set diagnosis issues and outperform existing diagnosis approaches.
Adversarial training,domain adaptation (DA),fault diagnosis,open-set,transfer learning (TL)
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