Fair Representation Learning: An Alternative to Mutual Information

KDD '22: Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining(2022)

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Learning fair representations is an essential task to reduce bias in data-oriented decision making. It protects minority subgroups by requiring the learned representations to be independent of sensitive attributes. To achieve independence, the vast majority of the existing work primarily relaxes it to the minimization of the mutual information between sensitive attributes and learned representations. However, direct computation of mutual information is computationally intractable, and various upper bounds currently used either are still intractable or contradict the utility of the learned representations. In this paper, we introduce distance covariance as a new dependence measure into fair representation learning. By observing that sensitive attributes (e.g., gender, race, and age group) are typically categorical, the distance covariance can be converted to a tractable penalty term without contradicting the utility desideratum. Based on the tractable penalty, we propose FairDisCo, a variational method to learn fair representations. Experiments demonstrate that FairDisCo outperforms existing competitors for fair representation learning.
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