
Simultaneous Second Harmonic Generation and multiphoton excited photoluminescence in anatase TiO2 nano powders

Optical Materials(2022)

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Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) and Multiphoton Excited Photoluminescence (MEPL) are observed in retro-reflection mode from a 22 nm diameter anatase TiO2 nanoparticle powder. Depth intensity profiles are obtained by scanning the fundamental beam focal point through the TiO2 powder surface into its volume for the energy of the incident photons tuned around the anatase TiO2 band-gap energy of 3.2 eV. Evidence for the appearance of both SHG and MEPL is presented, their relative contribution depending on the conditions of photo-excitation, in particular the fundamental wavelength and the focal point depth location. MEPL dominates at fundamental photon energies matching the band-gap energy whereas below and above the band-gap SHG is clearly seen. Depth intensity profiles exhibiting a rising edge determined by the fundamental laser beam focusing conditions and a decreasing edge determined by extinction and multiphoton scattering strongly differ between SHG and MEPL, SHG profiles being by far narrower than that of MEPL. Re-absorption of the emitted SHG and MEPL light occurs due to the spectral proximity with the TiO2 band gap energy but excitation with fundamental light below band-gap further suggests that the intrinsic difference between the two SHG and MEPL processes is responsible for the contrasted depth profiles. This combined study where both SHG and MEPL occur presents perspectives in the study of the photonic properties of powder materials.
TiO2,Nanoparticles,Powder,Band-gap,Second harmonic generation,Multiphoton excited photoluminescence,Depth profiles
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