
Natural Radioactivity in Select Serpentinite-Related Nephrite Samples: A Comparison with Dolomite-Related Nephrite

Gems & gemology(2022)

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The published literature offers only a few records of direct measurement of the natural radioactivity in nephrite. The present study used high-purity germanium (HPGe) low-background gamma-ray spectrometry to measure activity concentrations of primordial radionuclides in 11 serpentinite-related nephrite (ortho-nephrite) samples from deposits in Poland, Russia, Canada, and New Zealand, along with three samples of rodingite and serpentinite from a nephrite deposit in Naslawice, Poland. All nephrite samples exhibited very low K-40, Th-232, and U-238 activity concentrations that fell within the range of published values for ultrabasic and basic rocks. The nephrite samples from Jordanow (Poland) gave the highest uranium and thorium activity concentration values. Two samples of plagiogranitic rodingite showed significantly higher U-238 and Th-232 activity concentrations than the values measured for nephrite. Nephrite thorium and uranium concentrations correlated strongly (r = 0.98), and the corresponding Th/U ratios appear unique according to geographical location. The mean estimated potassium, thorium, and uranium concentrations from ortho-nephrite analyzed here were compared with corresponding mean values previously reported for dolomite-related nephrite (para-nephrite). The comparison indicates that the ortho-nephrites studied have similar uranium concentrations but lower mean potassium concentrations and higher mean thorium concentrations than those reported for para-nephrite in the literature.
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