The Mosaic CMOS wide field camera for transneptunian automatic occultation survey

Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX(2022)

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The Transneptunian Automated Occultation Survey (TAOS II) is a three robotic telescope project to detect stellar occultation events generated by TransNeptunian objects (TNOs). TAOS II aims to monitor about 10000 stars simultaneously at 20Hz to generate a significant event rate. The TAOS II cameras are designed to cover the 1.7 degree diameter field of view of the 1.3m telescopes with a mosaic of ten 4.5k x 2k Teledyne e2v CIS 113 CMOS sensors. The CIS 113 has a back-illuminated thinned structure to provide similar performance to that of back-thinned CCDs. The CIS 113 device has 16 micron pixels with 8 outputs, with a plate scale about 0.63"/pixel. With the freedom of direct row and column addressing, star boxes with sizes of 8 x 8 pixels in each sensor can be sampled at 20 Hz or higher with a pixel rate of 1M pixel/sec per channel. The sensors, mounted on a single Invar plate, are cooled to an operating temperature of about 200K by a cryogenic cooler. The surfaces of the sensors were mounted to be within 30 microns to maintain a flat focal plane. The gap between two sensors is about 0.5mm. The control electronics consist of an analog part and a Xilinx FPGA based digital circuit. One FPGA controls and processes the signal from each CIS 113 chip. Two large PCBs were used to fanout signals from the 10 CMOS devices through the vacuum chamber wall. A synchronization circuit receives a pulse from the control center to ensure the timing accuracy of exposures of the three cameras is within 1 ms.
transneptunian automatic occultation survey
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