A gain‐of‐function filamin A mutation in mouse platelets induces thrombus instability

Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis(2022)

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Background Filaminopathies A are rare disorders affecting the brain, intestine, or skeleton, characterized by dominant X-linked filamin A (FLNA) gene mutations. Macrothrombocytopenia with functionally defective platelets is frequent. We have described a filaminopathy A male patient, exhibiting a C-terminal frame-shift FLNa mutation (Berrou et al., Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2017;37:1087-1097). Contrasting with female patients, this male patient exhibited gain of platelet functions, including increased platelet aggregation, integrin alpha IIb beta 3 activation, and secretion at low agonist concentration, raising the issue of thrombosis risk. Objectives Our goal is to assess the thrombotic potential of the patient FLNa mutation in an in vivo model. Methods We have established a mutant FlnA knock-in mouse model. Results The mutant FlnA mouse platelets phenocopied patient platelets, showing normal platelet count, lower expression level of mutant FlnA, and gain of platelet functions: increased platelet aggregation, secretion, and alpha IIb beta 3 activation, as well as increased spreading and clot retraction. Surprisingly, mutant FlnA mice exhibited a normal bleeding time, but with increased re-bleeding (77%) compared to wild type (WT) FlnA mice (27%), reflecting hemostatic plug instability. Again, in an in vivo thrombosis model, the occlusion time was not altered by the FlnA mutation, but arteriolar embolies were increased (7-fold more frequent in mutant FlnA mice versus WT mice), confirming thrombus instability. Conclusions This study shows that the FlnA mutation found in the male patient induced gain of platelet functions in vitro, but thrombus instability in vivo. Implications for the role of FLNa in physiology of thrombus formation are discussed.
filaminopathy,gain‐of‐function mutation,hemostasis,platelets,thrombosis
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