Seasonal variation in vitamin D status of Japanese infants starts to emerge at 2 months of age: a retrospective cohort study.


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Vitamin D seasonality has been reported in adults and children, suggesting that sunlight exposure has effects on 25(OH)D production. While vitamin D deficiency among infants has received significant attention, little is known about the extent to which vitamin D status during early infancy is affected by sunlight exposure. Here, we retrospectively analysed serum 25(OH)D levels of 692 samples obtained from healthy infants aged 1-2 months born at Saitama City Hospital, Japan (latitude 35·9° North) between August 2017 and September 2021. Data regarding the frequency of outdoor activities, formula intake and BMI were also collected and analysed. Month-to-month comparisons of vitamin D levels revealed significant variation in 25(OH)D levels in breastfed infants starting at 2 months, with maximal and minimal levels in September and January, respectively. An outdoor activity score of 0 was most common at 1 month (83·9 %) and a score of 3 was most common at 2 months (81·2 %), suggesting an increased amount of sunlight exposure at 2 months. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed the amount of formula intake to be significantly associated with vitamin D status at both 1 ( = 17·96) and 2 months ( = 16·30). Our results comprise the first evidence that seasonal variation of vitamin D begins at 2 months among breastfed infants from East Asia, though dietary intake appears to be the major determinant of vitamin D status. These findings provide new insights into the influence of dietary and non-dietary factors on vitamin D status during early infancy.
25(OH)D,Infant,Seasonality,Sunlight exposure,Vitamin D
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