
Constraint on the Temperature of A-type Magma from Contact Metamorphic Aureole, Biesituobie Batholith, West Junggar in NW China, Central Asian Orogenic Belt

˜The œGeological Society of America bulletin/Geological Society of America bulletin(2022)

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The Biesituobie A-type batholith in West Junggar in NW China of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt contains metapelite xenoliths derived from the contact metamorphic aureole. These xenoliths could be divided into two types: biotite-muscovite-andalusite hornfels and cordierite-alkaline feldspar-sillimanite-corundum gneiss, indicating prograde metamorphism. The phase equilibrium modeling on the cordierite-alkaline feldspar-sillimanite-corundum gneiss sample yielded a peak condition of P = 3.0−4.0 kbar, T = 760−800 °C. Similarly, the Na-in-cordierite geothermometer yielded a peak condition of T = 771−780 °C. The temperature of the peak metamorphism could be considered as a lower limit of the temperature of the Biesituobie A-type batholith. On the contrary, the Ti-in-zircon geothermometer applied to the Biesituobie A-type batholith zircons yields a mean temperature of 672 ± 22 °C. It suggested that the application of Ti-in-zircon geothermometer on A-type magma may involve a >100 °C underestimation. Zircon U-Pb dating indicates that the age of the contact metamorphism is between 263 and 286 Ma, consistent with the age of the pluton at 274 Ma. The result of 760−800 °C calculated from the contact metamorphic aureole of the Biesituobie batholith put a lower limit on considering the temperature condition of the A-type granite series from a metamorphic constraint.
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