
Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Titanium Carbide (tic): Leveraging Reaction Bonding to Form Complex Ultra-High-Temperature Ceramics

Social Science Research Network(2022)

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Ultra-high-temperature ceramics (UHTCs) are candidate structural materials for applications that require resiliency to extreme temperature (>2000°C), high mechanical loads, or aggressive oxidizing environments. Processing UHTC transition metal carbides as standalone materials using additive manufacturing (AM) methods has not been fully realized due to their extremely slow atomic diffusivities that impede sintering and large volume changes during indirect AM that can induce defect structures. In this work, a two-step, reactive AM approach was studied for the formation of the ultrahigh temperature ceramic TiCx. Readily available equipment including a polymer powder bed fusion AM machine and a traditional tube furnace were used to produce UHTC cubes and lattice structures with sub-millimeter resolution. This processing scheme incorporated, (1) selective laser sintering of a Ti precursor mixed with a phenolic binder for green body shaping, and (2) ex-situ, isothermal gas-solid conversion of the green body in CH4 to form TiCx structures. Reactive post-processing in CH4 resulted in up to 98.2 wt% TiC0.90 product yield and a reduction in net-shrinkage during consolidation due to the volume expansion associated with the conversion of Ti to TiC. Results indicated that reaction bonding associated with the Gibbs free energy release associated with TiC formation produced interparticle adhesion at low furnace processing temperatures. The ability to bond highly refractory materials through this type of process resulted in structures that were crack-free and resisted fracture during thermal shock testing. Broadly, the additive manufacturing approach presented could be useful for the production of many UHTC carbides that might otherwise be incompatible with prevailing AM techniques that do not include reaction synthesis.
High-Temperature Materials,Additive Manufacturing
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