
Influence of Psychological Stress to Platelet Activation and Fatty Acid Composition in Platelet Phospholipid Membrane

I. Bikulciene, M. Posiunaite, A. Linkeviciute-Dumce,A. Janiulioniene,R. Matuzeviciene,D. Karciauskaite,A. Kaminskas


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Background and Aims : Platelet membrane is susceptible to oxidative stress. Prolonged stress and platelet-granulocyte aggregates (PGAs) have a synergistic effect on developing cardiovascular lesions. So the aim of this study was to evaluate the interface between platelet membrane fatty acids (FAs) composition and formation of PGAs under psychological stress.Methods: 30 Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups for a month. First group was on a diet of extra omega (ω) 3/ω6 FAs without stress. Second group had extra ω9 FAs and stress and third group had extra ω3/ω6 FAs along with stress. FA methyl esters of platelet membrane were identified by GC/MS while PGAs were analyzed by whole blood flow cytometry. The concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA) in blood serum was determined by HPLC. The composition of platelet membrane FAs was compared to MDA concentration (μg/l) and the percentage of PGA formation among these groups.Results: The levels of C20:5ω3 FA and C22:6ω3 FA were higher in platelet membrane of ω3/ω6 FAs stress-free group compared to stress group with ω3/ω6 FAs (med. 0.6700 vs med. 0.2550, p=0.07813; med. 0.835 vs med. 0.2050, p=0.007813). MDA concentration was higher in stress group with ω3/ω6 FAs than in ω3/ω6 FAs stress-free group (med. 563.7 vs 493.4, p=0.04883). The percentage of PGAs formation was also higher in stress group with ω3/ω6 FAs compared to ω9 with stress group (med. 5.90 vs 2.95, p= 0.03711).Conclusions: Psychological stress promotes oxidation of polyunsaturated FAs in platelet membrane, thereby activating platelets, which may lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases in the future. Background and Aims : Platelet membrane is susceptible to oxidative stress. Prolonged stress and platelet-granulocyte aggregates (PGAs) have a synergistic effect on developing cardiovascular lesions. So the aim of this study was to evaluate the interface between platelet membrane fatty acids (FAs) composition and formation of PGAs under psychological stress. Methods: 30 Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups for a month. First group was on a diet of extra omega (ω) 3/ω6 FAs without stress. Second group had extra ω9 FAs and stress and third group had extra ω3/ω6 FAs along with stress. FA methyl esters of platelet membrane were identified by GC/MS while PGAs were analyzed by whole blood flow cytometry. The concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA) in blood serum was determined by HPLC. The composition of platelet membrane FAs was compared to MDA concentration (μg/l) and the percentage of PGA formation among these groups. Results: The levels of C20:5ω3 FA and C22:6ω3 FA were higher in platelet membrane of ω3/ω6 FAs stress-free group compared to stress group with ω3/ω6 FAs (med. 0.6700 vs med. 0.2550, p=0.07813; med. 0.835 vs med. 0.2050, p=0.007813). MDA concentration was higher in stress group with ω3/ω6 FAs than in ω3/ω6 FAs stress-free group (med. 563.7 vs 493.4, p=0.04883). The percentage of PGAs formation was also higher in stress group with ω3/ω6 FAs compared to ω9 with stress group (med. 5.90 vs 2.95, p= 0.03711). Conclusions: Psychological stress promotes oxidation of polyunsaturated FAs in platelet membrane, thereby activating platelets, which may lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases in the future.
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