Uses of Enzymes in Food Industry Waste Utilization

Food Processing Waste and Utilization(2022)

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The food processing sector is growing rapidly in the modern world due to increasing demand for food and energy due to exponential population growth. Practices of intensification in agricultural accounts up to 39.0% of total waste generated. Value added products using food industry wastes are a valuable source of additives and nutraceutical supplements, based on their nutritional value and health benefits. The concept of biorefinery to derive value added by-products from food processing industry generated wastes has emerged recently. Various eco-friendly, efficient, and sustainable methods and technologies have been reported in recent years for providing solutions to problems associated with waste accumulation. Processes such as fermentation, anaerobic, and aerobic composting, pyrolysis involving chemical, thermo chemical, and enzymatic transformations are being reported based on the biorefinery concept similar to refinery for crude fossil fuels and food production resulted in increased accumulation of solid and liquid wastes. Enzymatic transformation of food processing derived biowaste and valorization into useful products has gained importance as a non-conventional environmentally friendly approach and are preferred over land filling and incineration. This chapter discusses the recent trends in the importance of managing food processing industry derived waste using enzymatic methods and their transformation into valuable by-products. We also discuss the types of food industry wastes generated and processes and principles related to sustainable approaches using enzymes/biocatalysts in terms of food waste biorefinery. Use of green chemistry for sustainable utilization of wastes generated from cereals, pulses, oilseed, and fruits and vegetable processing are highlighted in this chapter.
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