
Antimicrobial and Immunomodulatory Effects of Tannic Acid Supplementation in Broilers Infected with Salmonella Typhimurium

Poultry science(2022)

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Infection by Salmonella Typhimurium, a food-borne pathogen, can reduce the poultry production efficiency. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of tannic acid (TA) supplementation on growth performance, Salmonella colonization, gut barrier integrity, serum endotoxin levels, antioxidant capacity, gut health, and immune function in broilers infected with the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium nalidixic acid resistant strain (STNR). A total of 546 one-day-old broilers were arbitrarily allocated into 6 treatments including 1) Sham-challenged control (SCC; birds fed a basal diet and administrated peptone water); 2) Challenged control (CC; birds fed a basal diet and inoculated with 10(8) STNR); 3) Tannic acid 0.25 (TA0.25; CC + 0.25 g/kg TA); 4) TA0.5 (CC + 0.5 g/kg TA); 5) TA1 (CC + 1 g/kg TA); and 6) TA2 (CC + 2 g/kg TA). On D 7, supplemental TA linearly reduced STNR colonization in the ceca (P < 0.01), and TA1 and TA2 group had significantly lower reduced STNR colonization in the ceca (P < 0.01). On D 7 to 21, average daily gain tended to be linearly increased by supplemental TA (P = 0.097). The serum endotoxin levels were quadratically decreased by supplemental TA on D 21 (P < 0.05). Supplemental TA quadratically increased ileal villus height (VH; P < 0.05), and the TA0.25 group had higher ileal VH compared to the CC group (P < 0.05). Supplemental TA linearly increased percentage of peripheral blood CD8 + T cells on D 18 (P < 0.01). The TA0.5 group had significantly lower lymphocyte numbers compared to the CC groups (P < 0.05). The abundance of monocytes linearly increased with TA supplementation (1 3 < 0.01). Therefore, broilers fed TA had reduced STNR colonization, increased growth performance, decreased serum endotoxin levels, enhanced gut health in the broilers, and stimulated the immune system in broilers infected with STNR. Supplementation of TA (1-2 g/kg) enhanced growth performance and gut health via antimicrobial and immunostimulatory effects in broilers infected with STNR.
tannic acid,Salmonella Typhimurium,antimicrobials,immunity,feed additive
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