
Trajectories of Early Growth and Subsequent Lung Function in Cystic Fibrosis: an Observational Study Using UK and Canadian Registry Data.

Journal of cystic fibrosis(2023)

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Background: Understanding the pulmonary impact of changes in early life nutritional status over time in a paediatric CF population may help inform how to use nutritional assessment to guide clinical care. Na-tional registry data provides an opportunity to study patterns of weight gain over time at the level of the individual, and thus to gain detailed understanding of the relationship between early weight trajectories and later lung function in children with Cystic Fibrosis (CF).Methods: Using data from the United Kingdom (UK) and Canadian CF Registries, a mixed effects linear regression model was used to describe children's weight and BMI z-score trajectories from age 1 to 5 years. The intercept (weight-for-age at age 1) and slope (weight-for-age trajectory) from this model were then used as covariates in a linear regression of first lung function measurement at age 6 years. Results: In both the UK and Canadian data, greater weight-for-age z-score at age 1 year and greater change in weight-for-age over time were associated with higher FEV1% predicted. A greater weight-for-age z-score at age 1 year was associated with a higher FEV1% predicted (UK: 3.78% (95% CI: 1.76; 4.70); Canada: 3.20% (95%CI: 1.76, 4.70)). These associations were reproduced for BMI z-scores and FVC% pre-dicted.Conclusions: Early weight-for-age, specifically at age 1 year, and weight-for-age trajectories across early childhood are associated with later lung function. This relationship persists after adjustment for potential confounders. Current guidelines may need to be updated to place less emphasis on a specific cut-off (such as the 10th percentile) and encourage tracking of weight-for-age over time. & COPY; 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of European Cystic Fibrosis Society.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( )
Growth,Weight for age,BMI,Lung function
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