
Human embryo at 10 weeks’ gestation: a letter

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology(2022)

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We read the manuscript “Human embryo at 10 weeks’ gestation” with some unease.1Guo B. Wang T. Wang Y. Human embryo at 10 weeks’ gestation.Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2022; 226: 853-854Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (1) Google Scholar This article provides a hysteroscopic view of an early pregnancy at the time of surgical termination—a procedure that was reported as having been performed because the pregnancy was “angular”. “Angular” pregnancy, although not defined by the authors in this article, is a term for a laterally positioned but correctly sited pregnancy. This is a variation of normal and is not associated with any adverse pregnancy outcomes.2Bollig K.J. Schust D.J. Refining angular pregnancy diagnosis in the first trimester: a case series of expectant management.Obstet Gynecol. 2020; 135: 175-184Crossref PubMed Scopus (18) Google Scholar We believe that this term is outdated, and a recent international consensus on terminology in early pregnancy endorsed this opinion and advised that the term should not be used in clinical practice.3Kirk E. Ankum P. et al.ESHRE Working Group on Ectopic PregnancyTerminology for describing normally sited and ectopic pregnancies on ultrasound: ESHRE recommendations for good practice.Hum Reprod Open. 2020; 2020hoaa055Crossref Google Scholar In addition, we question the clinical justification to perform a “diagnostic” hysteroscopy on a wanted pregnancy that is potentially viable. Accurate assessment of pregnancy location can easily and safely be made on transvaginal ultrasound. Therefore, the rationale to perform a hysteroscopy in this case is unclear. Angular pregnancy: a replyAmerican Journal of Obstetrics & GynecologyVol. 228Issue 1PreviewNaftalin et al stated that “angular pregnancy” was an outdated term for a laterally positioned but correctly sited pregnancy that is not associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes.1 Based on it being a wanted, potentially viable pregnancy, they considered this case as an unnecessary termination and that hysteroscopy should have been avoided. Full-Text PDF
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