
Moderate Psoriasis in Clinical Practice: French Expert Consensus Using a Modified Delphi Method

Advances in therapy(2022)

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Despite the existence of multiple assessment scores for psoriasis severity, skin disease with limited skin lesions but significant impairment of quality of life can be difficult to classify, leading to under- or overtreatment. Our objective was to obtain consensus on clinical criteria to classify psoriasis severity in French clinical practice, with a focus on moderate disease, using a modified Delphi method. A steering committee (SC) formulated a 22-item questionnaire to classify moderate psoriasis. An independent panel of French dermatologists indicated their level of agreement for each item using a 9-point Likert scale (round 1). Items without a strong consensus were modified and included in round 2. For each item, strong consensus was defined as at least 75% of scores ≥ 7 and median score ≥ 8; good consensus was defined as at least 75% of scores ≥ 7 or median score ≥ 8. Of 80 dermatologists who agreed to participate, 47 (59%) responded in round 1. All participants from round 1 responded in round 2. Fifteen (68%) items achieved strong consensus and four (18%) achieved good consensus. For psoriasis severity, several clinical dimensions assessed both by the physician (location, symptoms, temporality, previous treatments) and the patient (perception, physical and psychological impairment) obtained consensus. The following were considered sufficient to confirm that psoriasis is at least at a moderate stage: limited involvement but with an impact on patient/family quality of life; involvement of a special area; presence of uncontrolled symptoms (scaling, bleeding, pruritus, insomnia); accumulation of mild intensity symptoms; presence of burdensome onychodystrophy; failure of well-applied topical treatments. There was strong consensus that recognition of moderate psoriasis should lead to reassessment of topical treatments. Our modified Delphi panel suggests detailed criteria to help physicians classify patients with psoriasis which is at least at a moderate stage, which could, in turn, improve treatment in these patients.
Plaque psoriasis,Moderate psoriasis,Delphi method,Psoriasis classification,Psoriasis severity
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