First Look into the Use of Fish Scales as a Medium for Multi-Hormone Stress Analyses


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Recent efforts have provided convincing evidence for the use of fish scale cortisol concentration in the assessment of long-term stress in fishes. However, cortisol alone is not sufficient to fully describe this state of long-term stress. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is an androgen with actions that oppose those of cortisol. The means by which DHEA negates the effects of cortisol occurs in part via changes in the metabolism of cortisol to cortisone. The quantitation of cortisol, DHEA and cortisone could therefore provide a more comprehensive assessment of the overall status of physiological stress. As DHEA and cortisone have yet to be quantified within the fish scale, our first objective was to ensure our sample processing protocol for cortisol was applicable to cortisone and DHEA. Following this, we induced a state of long-term stress in goldfish (Carassius auratus). Some degree of elevation in all hormones was observed in the stressed fish scales. Additionally, cortisol and cortisone were significantly elevated in the stressed fish serum in comparison to controls while DHEA was undetectable in either group. Overall, these results suggest that fish scales provide an appropriate medium for the assessment of long-term stress in fishes via the quantitation of relevant steroid hormones.
biomonitoring, conservation physiology, glucocorticoids, physiological stress
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