
Propagation Characteristics of Magnetic Tomography Method Detection Signals of Oil and Gas Pipelines Based on Boundary Conditions


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The magnetic tomography method (MTM) is a non-contact external inspection method for detecting metal magnetic memory signals. It has great potential for application in long-distance oil pipeline and subsea pipeline inspection. However, the spatial distribution characteristics and propagation laws of magnetic signals are not yet clear, which makes the MTM passive detection. In this study, a three-dimensional mathematical model of the magnetic field distribution of the stress concentration zone outside the pipe was established based on the boundary conditions. For the two cases in which the stress concentration zone was located at the top and bottom of the inner wall of the pipe, the model was solved by finite element analysis. The variation law of the magnetic signal outside the pipe was analyzed, and experiments were designed to verify the model. The results show that the shape of the magnetic memory signal remained unchanged after passing through the pipe wall. As the magnetic permeability of the pipe medium is much larger than that of air, the magnetic memory signal is significantly attenuated after penetrating the pipe wall. As the detection height increases, the magnetic induction outside the tube decays exponentially. The results also prove that the magnetic tomography method can detect the stress concentration zone at any position of the pipeline, and the detection accuracy is higher when it is located at the top of the pipeline.
magnetic tomography method,magnetic memory signal,boundary condition,propagation characteristics
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