
QTL Analysis for 27 Quality Traits Measured Through the Color of End-Use Products in Common Wheat (triticum Aestivum L.)


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The color of flour and its end-use products is an important quality trait of wheat. Understanding the genetic basis of this trait is essential for improving wheat quality. In this study, quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping for 27 color-related traits of flour, starch, gluten, dough sheet, steamed bread, and baked bread was performed using a population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) with 173 lines of F 9:10 , tested in four environments. For this purpose, a high-density genetic map constructed using a 90 K SNP array, Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers was used. A total of 43 additive QTLs were detected, including 25 large-effect QTLs, located on chromosomes 1A, 1B, 2A, 4B, 5B, and 7B. Four of these major QTLs, namely QFa7B.7-1 , QFb7B.7-2 , QFb 7B. 7-1 and QGb4B.4 , made the highest contribution and accounted for 29.60, 29.02, 27.45, and 22.24% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. Six stable QTLs ( QSa4B.4 , QSl4B.4-1 , QFa7B.7-2 , QFb7B.7-1 , QFb7B.7-2 , and QBca7B.7 ) were detected in more than one environment with high PVE values. In addition, two robust QTL clusters contribution to 13 evaluated traits were identified on chromosomes 4B ( RAC875_c27536_611 - wsnp_Ku_c28756_38667953 ) and 7B ( wPt-1196 - Kukri_c2348_2340 ). A locus within the interval Ex_c101685_705 - RAC875_c27536_611 of 4B also harbored many genes previously reported to affect wheat quality and yield. These detected QTLs may be used for further study and be used to improve wheat quality in wheat-breeding programs.
Color-related traits,Flour,End-use products,Common wheat,Quantitative trait loci
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