
Development of an Integrated Multidiagnostic to Assess the High-Z Impurity Fluxes in the Metallic Environment of WEST Using IMAS

IEEE transactions on plasma science(2022)

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WEST is an actively cooled, long-pulse tokamak with nearly all plasma-facing components (PFC) made of tungsten. One of the aims of WEST is to study plasma operations with tungsten PFCs in preparation for long-pulse operations on high-Z divertor devices, such as ITER. For long-pulse operation, the high-Z impurity content and transport to the core plasma are critical concerns that require further measurement and interpretation to improve plasma performance and PFC durability. This work details the impurity influxes in WEST during a series of discharges in which the lower hybrid (LH) injected power was incrementally increased. An analysis has been performed of measurements collected from an array of edge diagnostics. Visible spectroscopy was utilized to measure the spectral radiances generated by fuel particles ( $D$ ) and impurities ( $W$ , $O$ , and $C$ ) at the divertor and at the antennas with a newly developed spectral peak-fitting tool used to analyze the data in WEST. The scrape-off layer (SOL) plasma conditions ( $n_{e}$ and $T_{e}$ ) measured at the divertor target with flush Langmuir probes and near the outer mid-plane (OMP) using reciprocating Langmuir probes (RCPs) are used to evaluate the number of ionizations per photons (S/XB) coefficients required to estimate the impurity fluxes obtained with the collisional-radiative model ColRadPy. The array of edge diagnostics discussed in this work, coupled with SOL plasma modeling tools, represents a multidiagnostic interpretative modeling workflow that will continue to be applied to upcoming experimental campaigns on the WEST experiment to assess high-Z impurity transport.
Impurities,Plasmas,Spectroscopy,Plasma measurements,Magnetic separation,Probes,Bars,Data flow analysis,diagnostic expert systems,fusion reactors,impurities,spectroscopy,tokamaks,tungsten
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