
Additional Deepwater Sampling of Prey Fish in Lake Michigan Annual Bottom Trawl Survey Reveals New Insights for Depth Distribution Dynamics

Journal of Great Lakes research(2022)

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Beginning in 2013, sites at the 128-m bottom depth contour were added to the sampling design of the annual Lake Michigan bottom trawl survey for prey fish, which has been conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey Great Lakes Science Center (GLSC) each fall since 1973, to better assess fish depth dis-tributions in a changing ecosystem. The standard sampling design included bottom depths from 9 to 110 m, although the GLSC also sporadically conducted bottom trawl tows at the 128-m bottom depth contour during 1973-1988. Enactment of this new sampling design in 2013 revealed that mean biomass density of deepwater sculpins (Myoxocephalus thompsonii) at the 128-m depth exceeded the sum of mean biomass densities at shallower depths, indicating that the bulk of the deepwater sculpin population is residing in waters deeper than 110 m. Thus, our findings supported the hypothesis that the depth distri-bution of the deepwater sculpin population had shifted to deeper waters beginning in 2007, thereby explaining, at least in part, the marked decline in deepwater sculpin abundance since 2006 based on the standard sampling design. In contrast, our results did not support the hypothesis that the slimy scul-pin (Cottus cognatus) population had shifted to deeper waters sometime after 2000. A portion of the bur-bot (Lota lota) population may have also shifted in depth distribution to waters deeper than 110 m after 2007, based on our results. Our findings have served as an impetus to further expand the range of depths sampled in our bottom trawl survey.(c) 2022 International Association for Great Lakes Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Deepwater sculpin,Depth distribution,Food web changes,Shift to deeper waters,Native species,Quagga mussel invasion
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