
Sea Transportation Business Management Patterns in South Lembeh District, Bitung City, North Sulawesi

International Journal of Engineering, Business and Management(2022)

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Lembeh Island is part of Bitung City and has 2 sub-districts, namely South Lembeh District and North Lembeh District, where the economic activity of the community is very dependent on sea transportation. Papusungan Village is located in South Lembeh District. Sea transportation activities or activities are interesting because this business is a business that is mostly carried out by the people of Papusungan Village. The purpose of this research is to find out and explain how Management Pattern of Sea Transportation Business in Papusungan Village, South Lembeh District, Bitung City. The method used is the survey method. Data collection is primary data and secondary data. The sampling method is using the purposive sampling method to get a sample, namely respondents who work in the field of sea transportation in Papusungan Village. The analysis used in this research is SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats) which is then explained through quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results show the management pattern of the sea transportation business, namely: 1) Improving skills in the taxi boat business because there is no rejection from the community, 2) Increasing the standard of boat comfort and safety 3 ) Development and improvement of facilities and infrastructure for sea transportation business, 4 ) Cooperation between the government and taxi boat businesses, 5 ) There is a need for boat loading standards based on boat capacity to be measurable, 6) Policies from the government to further improve regulations for passenger safety for better transportation.
bitung city,business,sea,management,south lembeh district
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