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Studies on the interaction of three lytic bacteriophages with a wide collection of Escherichia coli strains implicated in swine enteric colibacillosis

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2022)

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The misuse of antibiotics in the swine industry and their on-going restriction requires alternatives to control enterotoxigenic and shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (ETEC and STEC, respectively). This study evaluates the potential of three coliphages, vB\_EcoM\_FJ1, vB\_EcoM\_FN and vB\_EcoM\_SP1 against 104 ETEC, STEC and ETEC/STEC strains isolated from pig colibacillosis in Portuguese (2018-2020) and Spanish farms (2006-2016), encompassing 71.2% mcr -positive strains (33.7% with mcr-1 , 1.9% mcr-2 , 35.6% mcr-4 and 2.9% mcr-5 ) and 18.3% positive strains for TEM (1%), SHV (6.7%), and CTX-M (11.5%) extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-encoding genes. In general, all bacteriophages presented a narrow lytic spectrum (up to 2.9%) against the 104 ETEC, STEC and ETEC/STEC. Bacteriophages shared >80% overall nucleotide identity with E. coli phage T4 ( Tevenvirinae subfamily), but a particular look at the distal part of the long tail fiber (gp38) revealed no homology. All bacteriophages recognize lipopolysaccharides as receptors, and additionally, FN binds to an outer membrane protein A. Bacteriophage-insensitive mutants of vB\_EcoM\_FJ1 (90%) and vB\_EcoM\_FN (100%) were shown to be more susceptible to pig serum inactivation comparatively to the parental strain and furthermore, their adhesion capacity to porcine intestinal cells was diminished by, approximately, 90%. Contrariwise, vB\_EcoM\_SP1 insensitive variants did not display phenotypic differences comparing to the wild-type strain. This study demonstrates that besides being T4-like, these bacteriophages revealed a narrow lytic spectrum against diarrhoeagenic E. coli strains and that the acquisition of novel bacteriophage-encoded adhesins (gp38) seems to be determinant for such results. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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Key words
lytic bacteriophages,<i>escherichia coli</i>,strains
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